About Us
Welcome to Dvorak Brothers Ranches, the home of low maintenance Red Angus cattle with
performance. In an industry that seems mindlessly blinded by “numbers,” we draw upon our 6
generations of ranching success to cut through the nonsense. We believe that ranchers and
cattlemen are the absolute authority on their own respective operations. No one knows your
operation better than you do. The same is true about us on our diverse operation. Our ranch
consists of saturated subirrigated meadows, soft second bench sand, big hard sandhill pasture,
hard high gumbo hills, and irrigated farm land. On any given year, our cow herd may be asked to
be successful on all of these highly variable systems. There is no “ideal” cow for the industry
because there are no two places in this industry that are exactly the same. The only cow that has
a chance on our operation, however, is a cow that is perfect footed (to deal with the constant
dampness) and HIGHLY adaptable. We do not believe in second chances, and every cow must
have the mass and capacity to take whatever she is given and turn it into a stout calf and a
pregnancy every year. The Red Angus Breed is quick to accept responsibility for the popularity
of the Red Angus female, but it is the work of the commercial cattlemen in the breed that has
made the difference. Dvorak Brothers Ranches stands on top of over 80,000 market topping
commercial calves, record setting commercial heifer calves, and record rewriting commercial
bred females. We do our own work and we participate in every aspect of the cattle industry; cow
calf, yearling, commercial feeding, and even grass finishing. Thank you for checking us out
online. We’re a touch old fashioned around here and would love to get to know you personally
through a call or (even better) over coffee and visit!
Tannon and Jenna and ALL of the kids ;)